FALMOUTH, MA - Falmouth Community Television (FCTV) held its Annual Meeting of Members by way of Zoom teleconference on Thursday, May 26th. FCTV Executive Director/CEO Debra Rogers welcomed the attending members, thanking the FCTV staff, Board of Directors, and Advisory Council, then made a special note of gratitude to FCTV’s two outgoing board members, Treasurer Michael Finegold and Secretary Michael Palmer for their years of service to the nonprofit community media center. FCTV Board President Barbara Kanellopoulos then opened the meeting which began with the approval of the minutes of last year’s meeting in 2021. Board Secretary Michael Palmer then began the Board of Directors Election by noting that Todd Duffany had been appointed to the board’s appointee seat. He then introduced a slate of three candidates to join the Board of Directors, Linda Davis and Teri Ferriera-Keys for three-year terms, and Megan English Braga to a two-year seat. The slate was approved unanimously. Ms. Kanellopoulos then proceeded to give an overview of the organization’s accomplishments in 2021, noting the 47% increase in first-run programming over 2020, the organization’s work with area nonprofits, and other highlights. In addition, Ms. Kanellopoulos also expressed her gratitude to all of FCTV's donors. Attendees were then treated to a video presentation of FCTV’s highlights of 2021. Following the Annual Meeting of Members, The FCTV Board held the Annual Meeting of the Board of Directors. Barbara Kanellopoulos was re-elected as President of the Board, while Carlyn Ellms and Teri Ferreira-Keys were elected as Secretary and Treasurer, respectively, joining returning board members Ahmed Mustafa and Diane Jemmott. Falmouth Community Television (FCTV) is a nonprofit community media center that fosters the production and distribution of local information. FCTV provides access to training, technology, and content to encourage community dialogue, awareness, and expression. For more information about FCTV’s services, classes, programming, and events, visit or the Facebook page at